Been an interesting couple of days here in the SC Lowcountry. I’ve been working on stuff for a couple clients as I try to keep warm in this cold weather! Yeah, I know many of you would scoff at temps above freezing, but hey… This is Charleston I’m talking about here! Even in February, the mid-30s is cold for us! We were lucky here on the coast yesterday… We got a cold cold rain, but after the sun came up, the temps inched above freezing, and we were spared another ice storm. But not 10 miles inland temperatures were much colder, and bridges were frozen over, trees and limbs were felled by the ice, and power lines came down all over the place. I count my blessings at being able to get out and run errands.
I tell ya, I’m really liking this not-working-at-a-day-job thing. Lots of time to keep up with chores that used to stress me out, and there’s still plenty of time for genealogy. Yesterday I finished up a project for one client, and got halfway through a six-hour block of time researching churches in Lancaster Co., SC, looking for possible connections for the ancestor of another client. No luck… even though there were churches in that area in the late 1700s, none of them had any surviving records that might shed light on the family of my client’s ancestor. Ah, well… back to the drawing board on that one.
But I have to say it is really nice to be able to go in-depth and not worry about getting up to go to work in the morning. I can read my paper with a leisurely cup of coffee [_]7 (after my exercise, of course… gotta keep the ticker tickin’…) and then sit down and really concentrate on a project for a while. And there are hundreds of projects to think about. Right now I have about 5 major ones, including an article I’m trying to write for publication (nope, still haven’t finished it yet) and participation in an indexing project for the Bulletin of the Old Tryon County (NC) Genelogical Society. I have been assigned an issue and asked to index all names therein. And guess what? One of the articles is abstracts from a road docket…. All it is is names! Hundreds of names of people assigned to keep the roads in Rutherford County in good repair! Lucky me! But I’m doing my part to help. I really need to get back to helping with the indexing effort for FamilySearch, now that I have a little time. All in good time, I guess.
Tomorrow I’ll be heading up to Raleigh on an overnight trip for a Valentine’s Day visit with relatives there. I have plans Saturday to visit the NC Archives and do some poking around in those records to see what I can find. I would really like to see if I can find anything on one Lewis Green, born ca 1800. Lewis was living beside Nancy Lovelace in 1850 in Rutherford County, NC. Nancy was, I’m pretty sure, the widow of my ggggrrandfather Benjamin Lovelace. I believe, based on records from Walls Baptist Church, that Lewis might be the brother of Nancy, and that he was married to Lucy Lovelace, the eldest daughter of Benjamin and Nancy. I’m still trying to gather enough evidence to build a proof argument for that. Trouble is, Lewis seems to have landed in a spaceship somewhere in Rutherford County before 1850. I just cannot find any mention of him anywhere before that 1850 census. So I’ll be scouring records to see what I can find on the Green families in that county. So wish me luck!
And with that, it is time for me to take my laptop up to bed and try to index *another* page of names!
Greg was the perfect genealogy consultant. He carefully considered the research questions and proposed an efficient plan to answer them…